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Young People from Seed to Acorn

Do you have children?

We want our children to grow up to have their best and most fulfilling lives, but does the education system currently teach our children life skills and how to build the internal resources that they need to achieve their best lives?I designed this offering for our young people based on recent work with two eleven year old girls who were having a ‘crisis’. Not normally my client group, but the situation had arisen because I was coach to the parents and they asked if I could assist.

It became quickly obvious the issues I work with as a coach in building confidence and competence with adults were very similar, the roots being formed in life at an earlier age.

A question I asked myself was:
“How could a person’s life be influenced if those limiting belief programmes we run unconsciously that affect our behaviours as adults were stopped in their tracks and we could have more conscious choices and inner resources available to choose from for ourselves?”

The answer of course is HUGE. LIFE CHANGING in fact.

“What gift can you give to another today simply by being your BEST self?” - Gill Main

The SEED to ACORN Process is personal development coaching for Young People. It is:
• to plant seeds in their minds that will grow.
• to understand how thoughts, self-talk, emotions and the patterns of behaviour lead to positive and negative ways of
• impacting their lives and
• to become more CONSCIOUS of their choices, and build the internal resources to support them in this.

We hear such a lot about the situation of mental health challenges overall in people, and in younger people the challenges are rising.

The agenda with this offering is to develop more awareness about choice and providing knowledge and skills to increase Young People’s self-care and wellness. Enabling them to respond to life’s challenges while supporting the parents and teachers too.

"For a tree to grow tall, it must grow touch roots among the rocks." Frederick Neitzche 1844-1900

Denise, John & Kate

Our daughter Kate was a shy girl with low self esteem. We were concerned about this as she was due to start secondary school in September 2018.
Our’s and Kate’s fear was she would struggle to make new friends as she
had been rejected and let down by friends in her primary school which
really knocked her confidence.

We heard about Gill through a mutual friend and decided to contact her to see if she could help. Kate has been attending sessions with Gill since the summer and there was an immediate bond between Gill and Kate.

This has developed into a very close relationship between them both. Since attending sessions with Gill, Kate has come on immensely. She has made lots of new friends at her new school and has even been given the confidence to join and perform in a drama, singing and dance school.

This is a huge step for her as in the past school assemblies and standing up
in front of her classmates normally turned into very stressful situations and meltdowns. Kate has learned some really useful life skills to cope with these situations now. Gill is a lovely, caring and professional lady who has made
a massive difference to Kate’s life….we could not recommend her enough.

Louise & Hannah

My daughter started senior school last year and immediately began to suffer with severe anxiety and panic attacks when trying to go into school. The attacks were so severe that she was sick and unable to attend school.

As a parent this was extremely distressing to see and we had no idea how to ‘fix’ something we simply did not understand.

Having worked / trained with Gill myself in the past I turned to her for some advice and guidance. Gill offered to work with Hannah and immediately put Hannah at ease. She worked with her to help her understand herself in a trusting and caring environment and showed Hannah how she could find coping strategies within herself to overcome her fears and anxiety.

Gill also worked with us as a family and has encouraged us to talk openly, which has helped me and my Husband interact with Hannah differently, this has enabled me to understand her and the effects of anxiety and also ‘spot’ the signs quickly. Hannah still has her little ‘wobbles’ as she calls it, but she understands what they are and overcomes them very quickly when they do occur.

Hannah has increased in confidence immensely over the last 6 months, so much so that she has eventually found the confidence to compete for her running club. The first time in March this year and has now, 8 weeks later entered her first major competition, winning Gold in both her events in front of hundreds of Spectators! Something I simply wouldn’t have thought possible.

We now attend various running events most weekends. We’ve been to Hull, Gateshead, Middlesbrough and off to Hexham this weekend. Because she won the North East Counties last weekend she has to go to Liverpool in August to compete at the Northern Counties championships!

Let’s Work Together

Get in touch by clicking here so we can start working together.